Year Three - Home Learning Summer 2 Week 1 (8th June 2020)

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 6:19pm

Hello Year 3 and welcome back! 

I hope you all had a good WHIT break. I hope you had time to relax, exercise and read for pleasure. 

Begin logging back onto Read Theory again. Many of you have already been accessing this for weeks - well done! It's a reading comprehension area which is adaptive and responds to your individual level. As it adapts to your responses, it's really important you complete this independently as much as possible. Keep up the daily reading and Epic - I've added more Ancient Egypt books for you.

Begin logging back onto Spelling Shed again - let's get to the top of the charts! I'm very proud of all our Year 3s who have been practising their spellings - several of whom have made it to the top 10 and someone in our class even made it to number one in the whole school! What an achievement and proves that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it!

Begin logging back onto TT Rockstars. There are no tournaments this week, but how about challenging one of your friends in our class or in another year group to a 'Rock Slam'?

Please find attached this week's home learning with new tasks to explore. To access your Maths resources, you need to scroll down to Week 6 (1st of June) as we are now a week behind.

We will do one final discussion area same time - 11am on Thursday to discuss reading and what activities you did over the WHIT break. 

Have a good week and continue to take care.

Missing you all

Mr Berger-North

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