Year 5 - Home Learning Week 6
Date: 8th May 2020 @ 11:39am
Bonjour mon petit pois,
Please see the 'Home Learning Information Week 6' file for information about this week's tasks.
Great work on Spelling Shed this week - you have all excelled yourselves!
We are in a TT Rockstars battle with Year 6 this week. Historically, these battles have ended in defeat, but I feel this is our week to reign supreme!
Miss you all,
Mrs Sturman
Raise a Smile - DT PowerPoint Raise a Smile - Design Sheet Raise a Smile - Evaluation Sheet E-Safety Activity 3 E-Safety Parent Helpsheet First News Lesson 1 - Rectangles Lesson 2 - Equivalent Fractions Lesson 3 - Convert Between Proper and Improper Fractions Lesson 4 - Compare and Order Fractions Home Learning Information Week 6