Year Three - Home Learning Summer 2 Week 6 (20th July 2020)

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 12:59pm

Hello Year 3!

Hope you are well.

As part of your final ‘feedback task' I would like you to think about your time in Year Three and consider what has been your favourite memory. Was it anything I mentioned in our list of some highlights? Maybe you have some of your own? As part of your feedback you can decide whether you want to record a video, draw a picture or write about your favourite memory. 

I look forward to receiving your memories.

As this academic year comes to a close, I'd like to say hats off to every one of you – you are all superstars in my eyes! I going to miss teaching you next year and despite all the changes that have happened this year you are ready for your next chapter of learning. Thank you to all the parents and carers for your ongoing support and for taking up the teaching baton during these challenging times. I wish you all the best as you move into Year 4 and remember I’ll only be next door.

Keep reading, keep practising those times tables, continue to take care and have a well deserved restful summer holiday.

Mr Berger-North


House keeping: Please remember to collect all your books, belongings from your trays and P.E. bags on Friday 24th July.


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