Year 6 Home Learning 5.10.18
Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 4:03pm
Well done Year 6- a fantastic week!
Home Learning
- create your parallel narrative story map, as we discussed in class. You don't need to complete the whole of this, but you need to have enough to begin writing on Monday. You can then add to it as the week goes on. Remember, you might need to use a family member to help do a little research if needed. Plans need to be in on Monday 8th October as we'll be using them to write .
- Read Part 4 Chapter 1 of Eagle in the Snow, for Tuesday 9th October.
- Use the back of the division sheet to have a go at 4 or 5 of the division questions using the method we used in class. If you are having difficulty, don't panic! Come and see me on Monday and we'll run a surgery. On Monday, I'd like somebody from Year 6 to be filmed answering a question so that we can put the video on here, therefore letting everyone see how it is done- a nice visual reminder. Sheets due in Thursday 11thOctober.
- Get on TT Rockstars as often as possible- 10 minutes a day? I'll be checking the logs on Thursday to check people's progress.
Have a nice weekend. See you soon.
Mr K