Year 3 Home learning 9.11.18 (due 14.11.18)
Date: 8th Nov 2018 @ 2:10pm
Bonjour Year 3!
Comment ça va? Well done for completing your 100 word challenge. This week will be a maths focus.
4 Tasks to complete by Wednesdsay 14th November:
- New spellings/handwriting - we'll do a mini test on them next week.
- Spelling Shed - login and go into Stage 3 and 4. This is where we should be. You can recap your Stage 1 and 2 spellings, too.
- TT Rockstars - You should be going on everyday (it doesn't need to be more than 5 mins!)
- Complete the Addition and Subtraction task
Please ask your parents to sign your diary to show that they have seen what you need to complete for your home learning. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Berger-North and the Year 3 team!