Year 1 Home Learning -Week 6 - 11.5.2020

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 11:21pm

Here are some new activities for you to try this week, including a whole school Design Technology project that aims to bring lots of smilies to people you know. We can't wait to see what you design and make, so don't forget to email a photo to school as we do enjoy seeing them.

Don't forget tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, we will be trying a live online discussion for the first time. Mrs Clough's class 1-2pm and Mrs Mott/ Mrs Ramsden Smith 2-3pm.  Details of how to log in to this can be found on the website home page under 'news' in the post 8.5.20. 

Mrs Clough, Mrs Mott and Mrs Ramsden Smith 

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