Year 1 Home Learning - Week 13 -13.7.2020

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 2:04pm


We hope the weekly home learning announcement finds everyone well.

There are lots of new activities to keep you busy in between the rain showers and we are definitely looking out for those children who are reading three times a week.

We are carrying on our work on animals, including humans and looking at how we have body parts that are the same such as legs and eyes, as well as those that are specific to certain animals such as claws or scales, We look forward to seeing which animals you choose to draw and label.

We would encourage everyone to listen to the beautiful 'Storm Whale' story and write a message back to the whale. 

In school we have been learning about the foundation of multiplication through repeated addition and adding equal groups. We are moving on further to talk about 'arrays'; this means the number of rows and columns we can see in a group of objects for example 5 rows of 2 is how we get the times tables 5x2. There is a video to watch and activities for everybody to try. These activities will be our feedback task this week. We would hope you all have a go at these, as understanding arrays will really help getting ready for year 2.

Home learning is relevant for everyone, whether they are in a bubble at school or not, and replaces the purple home learning books that we used earlier on in the year. Of course there is no obligation to complete every activity, but would definitely recommend you do those with the gold stars and any others that take your child's fancy. 

We shall look forward to seeing all the children's responses on Seesaw. As usual if you have any queries please get in touch with us.

Have a lovely weekend- fingers crossed according to weather reports the sun is supposed to be coming back!

Kind regards,

Mrs Clough, Mrs Mott & Mrs Ramsden-Smith

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