Y3 Homelearning 5.10.18

Date: 4th Oct 2018 @ 5:55pm

Bonjour Year 3! 

Comment ça va? Well done for completing your home learning - thank you! smiley

4 Tasks to complete by Wednesday 10th October:

  1. Harvest - learn your lines by Wednesday (practise whilst you brush your teeth!)
  2. New spellings/handwriting - we'll do a mini test on them next week.
  3. TT Rockstars - keep working hard as this will help you improve your times tables speed! Remember I'm looking for who has improved their score the most! (I've attached a times tables test in Y4 Parent Guide to this post).
  4. Apostrophes for contraction Mild, Spicy and Hot challenges. 

And remember - work hard, be determined, be resilient and always be the best version of yourself yes 

Apostrophes for contraction revision: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/articles/zcyv4qt

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