Y3 Home learning 16.11.18 (Due 21.11.18)
Date: 15th Nov 2018 @ 7:15pm
Bonjour Year 3!
Comment ça va? Thank you for completing your Maths challenge.
Every week home learning
- New spellings/handwriting - we'll do a mini test on them next week.
- Spelling Shed - login and go into Stage 3 and 4. This is where we should be. You can recap your Stage 1 and 2 spellings, too.
- TT Rockstars - You should be going on everyday (it doesn't need to be more than 5 mins!) Parents/carers, since parents' evening there has been an update regarding the Y4 Multiplication Check - there will be 25 questions and the children will need to answer each question within 6 seconds. On TTRockstars there is a section called SOUND CHECK which mimics the future assessment so it is key your child practises this part of the website. For further information: Year 4 Multiplication and Times Tables Check: New Assessment Framework for 2020: What You Should Know
- Practise your Christmas songs.
Home learning PLUS
- Read Stig of the Dump Chapter 1 with your parents/carers and complete the guided reading questions.
- Go through your child's Addition and Subtraction End of Block Assessment. Celebrate their achievements. (This will be handed out next week)
Please ask your parents to sign your diary to show that they have seen what you need to complete for your home learning. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Berger-North and the Year 3 team!